Frequently Asked Question

How do I interpret the indicator lights on a synchronization device (syncpipe, syncinjector, syncbox)?
Last Updated 11 years ago

All of our synchronization products have two lights - a power light, and a sync pulse indicator.   The power light (labeled or green) should be on steady.   The sync pulse light (labeled, or amber) should blink once per second - no more, no less - when sync is being received correctly.  Any other light condition indicates a problem.

Troubleshooting power light not on or blinking:

If the power light is not on, this indicates a power or device failure.  Check to ensure power is applied and the cabling is correct.  If they appear to be correct, swap the device to determine if that is the cause.

A blinking power light may either be a blink code (newer SyncInjectors), or a sign of intermittent power (all devices).   If you believe the problem is intermittent power, follow the troubleshooting steps as you would for the power light not being on at all.

On Revision H SyncInjectors, the power light doubles as a 'trouble code' indicator.   When trouble is detected, the led will blink a certain number of times for each trouble indicated, pausing between each trouble code.   To read the trouble code, simply count the number of blinks between pauses, being aware that there may be multiple codes present.

The meaning of the codes for revision H SyncInjectors are as follows:

Codes 1 through 4:   Indicates that an short or overcurrent has been detected on the port(s) matching the code number and that port has been powered down as a result.  For example a SyncInjector which is blinking code 2 indicates that port 2 has tripped.   In this condition, the unit will not provide power to that port until the problem is cleared and the trip has been cleared either by clearing the tripped value using a SiteMonitor base unit, or by removing power completely from the unit.  Note that power can be supplied through both the power input on the device and through the SiteMonitor daisy chain bus, so both power sources will need to be removed at the same time to clear the trip.

Code 5:  Same as codes 1 through 4, but refers to the SyncPipe port.  The method of clearing this code is the same as for codes 1 through 4.

Code 6: Indicates the voltage input to the SyncInjector is too low.   This code sets if the voltage is below 11 volts for SyncInjectors which are designed for 24V radios (Gigabit, 100), and 40 volts for the SyncInjector for 320 and 430 radios.   This code will automatically clear once sufficient power is applied.

Troubleshooting sync light not blinking exactly once per second:

Under normal operations, the sync light should blink once per second.  The common causes for this not happening are:

  • No Power.  The power light should be steady and not blinking.  If it isn't steady, follow the steps above to troubleshoot that first.
  • GPS not in lock.   Modern SyncPipes/SyncBoxes require 3D lock before producing a sync pulse.  If the unit is unable to do so due to poor positioning the sync pulse will either not exist or will be intermittent.  The sync status can be checked using either the GPS status screen on timing-port connected radios, or through a a SiteMonitor base unit for installations using one or more SyncInjectors.
  • Bad Cabling.  Check the cable between the SyncPipe and SyncInjector or between SyncInjectors to make sure all 8 pins are connected together.
  • Defective device.  Although it is rare, a defective device can cause this problem.

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